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Monday, June 14, 2010

Roofdeck Photoshoot at Netcube

It was one of those days were a photoshoot invite would circulate in the outlook inbox. And I am pretty much the late bloomer active member who is always on top of the list of confirmed attendees (because I joined late and had fun since then) . Looking back, I couldn't help but miss those days with IDPC folks, our out of town trips, long email threads, mini-workshops and Thursday meetings. Perhaps, gone are those days since Intel's site closure announcement. It felt sad to lose big blue, the company that made a huge difference in our lives and one great member, kuya Abet, surely, he will be missed.

Indeed, some good things never really lasts, same thing almost happened in this shoot. I nearly lost my chance to take a decent photograph. We arrived late because of heavy traffic. For safety reasons, the guard had to step up and remind us of our time limit to stay there.

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